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01235 538100 3a Thrupp Lane, Radley, Abingdon OX14 3NS

Tip Top Marquees Associates

Recommended suppliers

We have compiled a list of suppliers we have worked with on many occasions, and would like to recommend the services of those listed below, to help you get everything you need for your marquee.

Jayne Clark Catering
Jayne Clark Catering

Jayne Clark

01865 872 197

High quality event catering.

Crossfade Disco
Crossfade Disco

Tom Norridge

01865 762 901

Wedding & party DJ,

master of ceremonies,

disco, lighting & PA hire.

AFuture Sound
AFuture Sound

Greg Parrot

01235 771 652

Disco and PA systems.

Oxford Event Hire
Oxford Event Hire

01865 760 158

Marquee accessories – tables & chairs.

Heat 4 Events
Heat 4 Events

0800 292 2740

Marquee heating.

Laughton’s Luxury Loos
Laughton's Luxury Loos

01865 331 541

Luxury toilet hire. 

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